DeepPurple has 2544 Finds on 2543 unique Geocaches

Statistics generated on 27/02/2016

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Fantastic Geotours
Tour de Wallonie challenge

Le TdW de DeepPurple
TrackableCountryPatchwork 2.19
title=The Long-Distance Cacher:  Awarded for finding a cache at least 1000 km from home  |  DeepPurple has geocached 16430km from home and needs to geocache 0km to go up a level
title=The Earth Cacher:  Awarded for finding 5 or more Earthcache type caches  |  DeepPurple has 93 and needs 27 more to go up a leveltitle=The Letterboxer:  Awarded for finding 5 or more Letterbox type caches  |  DeepPurple has 23 and needs 2 more to go up a leveltitle=The Travelling Cacher:  Awarded for finding a cache in 2 or more countries  |  DeepPurple has 21 and needs 4 more to go up a leveltitle=The Caching Veteran:  Awarded for finding a cache in 3 different years  |  DeepPurple has 14 and needs 3 to go up a level
title=The Calendar Cacher:  Awarded for having found a cache on 100 or more different dates  |  DeepPurple has 346 and needs 4 to go up a leveltitle=The Matrix Cacher:  Awarded for finding 20 caches with unique Difficulty/Terrain ratings  |  DeepPurple has 54 and needs 6 more to go up a level
title=The Diverse Cacher:  Awarded for finding 5 or more different types of geocaches in a single day  |  DeepPurple has 7 and needs 8 to go up a leveltitle=The Micro Cacher:  Awarded for finding 200 or more micro sized cache containers  |  DeepPurple has 1054 and needs 146 more to go up a leveltitle=The Small Cacher:  Awarded for finding 150 or more small sized cache containers  |  DeepPurple has 770 and needs 30 more to go up a leveltitle=The Regular Cacher:  Awarded for finding 100 or more regular sized cache containers  |  DeepPurple has 414 and needs 86 more to go up a leveltitle=The Author:  Awarded for having an average log length of 30 words  |  DeepPurple has approximately 64,244 words/log and needs 70 to go up a leveltitle=The Shutterbug:  Awarded for a photo gallery count of 50 or more photos  |  DeepPurple has 277 and needs 223 more to go up a leveltitle=The Head-In-The-Clouds Award:  Awarded for finding a cache above 500m in elevation  |  DeepPurple has found a cache above 2496m and needs to find one at 2500m to go up a leveltitle=The Travel Bug:  Awarded for moving/discovering 50 Travel Bugs  |  DeepPurple has 425 and needs 75 more to go up a leveltitle=The Coin Collector:  Awarded for moving/discovering 75 Geocoins  |  DeepPurple has 369 and needs 131 more to go up a level
title=The Geocacher:  Awarded for finding 500 or more geocaches (any type)  |  DeepPurple has 2544 and needs 456 more to go up a leveltitle=The Multi Cacher:  Awarded for finding 50 or more Multi-cache type caches  |  DeepPurple has 265 and needs 35 more to go up a leveltitle=The Virtual Cacher:  Awarded for finding 5 or more Virtual type caches  |  DeepPurple has 22 and needs 8 more to go up a leveltitle=The Wherigo Cacher:  Awarded for finding 2 or more Wherigo type caches  |  DeepPurple has 5 and needs 5 more to go up a leveltitle=The Social Cacher:  Awarded for attending 5 or more Event caches  |  DeepPurple has 25 and needs 5 more to go up a leveltitle=The Large Cacher:  Awarded for finding 3 or more large sized cache containers  |  DeepPurple has 27 and needs 3 more to go up a leveltitle=The FTF Addict:  Awarded for being the first cacher to find 15 or more caches  |  DeepPurple has 30 and needs 20 more to go up a leveltitle=The Brainiac:  Awarded for finding 2 or more Difficulty 5 caches  |  DeepPurple has 6 and needs 3 more to go up a leveltitle=The Busy Cacher:  Awarded for finding 20 or more caches in a single day  |  DeepPurple has 70 and needs 80 to go up a leveltitle=The Daily Cacher:  Awarded for having 7 or more consecutive days with finds  |  DeepPurple has 32 and needs 60 to go up a level
title=The Traditional Cacher:  Awarded for finding 400 or more Traditional type caches  |  DeepPurple has 1965 and needs 35 more to go up a leveltitle=The Mysterious Cacher:  Awarded for finding 50 or more Mystery/Puzzle type caches  |  DeepPurple has 143 and needs 57 more to go up a leveltitle=The Photogenic Cacher:  Awarded for taking pictures at 2 or more Webcam type caches  |  DeepPurple has 3 and needs 2 more to go up a level
title=The Head-In-The-Ground Award:  Awarded for finding a cache below sea level  |  DeepPurple has found a cache below -24m and needs to find a cache below -50m to go up a leveltitle=The Cache Owner:  Awarded for hiding/hosting 10 or more geocaches/event caches  |  DeepPurple has 13 and needs 2 more to go up a leveltitle=The Favourite Cacher:  Awarded for acquiring 25 or more favourite points on hidden caches  |  DeepPurple has 26 and needs 14 more to go up a level

Hover cursor over a badge to view a description.

title=Geocaching Belt: Level 20 of 35  |  222,28 total points.
Badges generated by BadgeGen V3.3.4.

The Groundspeak Geocaching Logo is a registered trademark of Groundspeak, Inc. Used with permission.
The logo and icons are used with Permission.

The resistible ascension of the DeepPurple team
International Geocaching Day Leap Day 2012 12-12-12 Geocaching Get Outdoors Day 31 Days of Geocaching 17 / 31 Int'l Geocaching Day Geocaching in Space Maker Madness International Geocaching Day 2014 International EarthCache Day 2014 Pi Day 3.14.15 - Mystery Cache 15 Years of Geocaching International Geocaching Day 2015 International EarthCache Day 2015 Goodbye 2015 Hello 2016 Leap Day Weekend 2016
Belgium France Spain Bayern Rheinland-Pfalz Sachsen Netherlands Queensland New South Wales Austria Greece Italy California State Denmark Slovenia Baden-Württemberg Hessen Croatia Thüringen Rzeczpospolita Polska Ceská Republika Portugal Wyoming State Idaho State Oregon State Luxembourg Turkey United Kingdom
28 Souvenirs
31 Days of Geocaching Souvenirs
31 Days of Geocaching 01 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 02 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 03 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 04 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 05 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 06 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 07 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 08 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 09 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 10 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 11 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 12 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 13 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 14 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 15 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 16 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 17 / 31 Int'l Geocaching Day 31 Days of Geocaching 18 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 19 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 20 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 21 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 22 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 23 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 24 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 25 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 26 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 27 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 28 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 29 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 30 of 31 31 Days of Geocaching 31 of 31
The Achiever Souvenirs
The Collector The Explorer The Nature Lover The Sightseer The Puzzler The Socializer The Achiever
Road Trip Hero Souvenirs
Fun with Favorites Let's Get Extreme Put On Your Thinking Cap High-Five for the Earth Meet Your Road Trip Crew Road Trip Hero

Event Finds

  Code Date Cache Name   Country State
1 GC338ET 14/09/2011 Pause midi au centre de Bruxelles Belgium Belgium Brussels
2 GC36ZK3 17/12/2011 Het Groot Begijnhof Bij Kaarslicht Belgium Belgium Vlaams-Brabant
3 GC3P5JV 08/07/2012 Meet&Greet - Geocacheurs ou moldus ? Belgium Belgium Brabant wallon
4 GC3H8MJ 06/10/2012 N.T. Event Belgium Belgium Antwerpen
5 GC3YH0E 12/12/2012 12-12-12 12:12:12 Manneken Pis flash mob Belgium Belgium Brussels
6 GC3YRWB 12/12/2012 12-12-12 Pour une crêpe Belgium Belgium Brabant wallon
7 GC44657 27/01/2013 Meet & Greet & Poetry Belgium Belgium Brabant wallon
8 GC45GX9 17/03/2013 Choco Event (Jodoigne) Belgium Belgium Brabant wallon
9 GC4573N 21/04/2013 Gembloux et le trésor des couteliers (FR/EN) Belgium Belgium Namur
10 GC461WX 07/09/2013 L.T. Event Belgium Belgium Antwerpen
11 GC459J1 07/09/2013 Lt event for kids (kinderevent) Belgium Belgium Antwerpen
12 GC459TQ 07/09/2013 LT event: gsak voor beginners (VOLZET) Belgium Belgium Antwerpen
13 GC459V3 07/09/2013 LT event: gsak voor gevorderden Belgium Belgium Antwerpen
14 GC4GJ40 28/09/2013 Un fin de semana en Bilbao (II) Spain Spain País Vasco
15 GC4PXXG 07/11/2013 Geocaching in Space - lancement de la crêpe Belgium Belgium Brabant wallon
16 GC4T7A1 11/12/2013 11.12.13 Belgium Belgium Brussels
17 GC4ZACQ 31/03/2014 Maker Madness: beyond film canisters! Belgium Belgium Vlaams-Brabant
18 GC59YCE 17/08/2014 Meet and Greet at the Weerribben Netherlands Netherlands Overijssel
19 GC5FNTY 26/11/2014 Farewell and Off to New Adventures Belgium Belgium Brussels
20 GC5J0KY 02/01/2015 Meet & Greet: Tour de Wallonie Namur Belgium Belgium Namur
21 GC5JJ8C 21/03/2015 TdW: Le Grand Event Belgium Belgium Namur
22 GC5QHH2 18/04/2015 TDW + RV + X = BEL Belgium Belgium Brussels
23 GC5TJKK 23/08/2015 Meet and Greet at Den Oever Netherlands Netherlands Noord-Holland
24 GC61JQK 02/09/2015 Last Chance ! Belgium Belgium Brussels
25 GC64FVB 31/10/2015 TdB Launch event. Belgium Belgium Brussels

Please keep geocaches "BAG FREE"
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3 / 6

Generated by GeoTrophyList V1.5. GeoTrophy web:

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Stats generated by FindStatGen3 V4.5.13 by rutson and lignumaqua, running on GSAK v8.5.1.61
Themes from pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and FormicaPL

Statistics generated in 2 minutes and 26 seconds.

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Some rights reserved